Monday, August 18, 2008

My Friendly Credit Card Theif

When I returned from Kodiak there was a large box waiting for me on my doorstep. The person who stole my credit card number bought me gifts! I know many of you have probably had your credit card numbers stolen, but how many of you have a thief who sends you presents? The on-line store does not care to pay the shipping costs to have the package returned, so I have a new coffee pot, coffee beans, and a special spoon sitting in my house. Too bad I don't drink coffee! If you live in the Anchorage area and need a coffee pot, it's yours.


Unknown said...

I love your updates and I really, really, really want to come up to Alaska and travel all around the state with you and your dad!!! I heart and miss you, I'll call you soon! Hope the race went well, sounds fun!

skatie ronski said...

Heather- It would've been fun to have your HZimm pizzazz on our summer trips, but no worries...we will just have to make up for it by going on some NZ-style missions when you come up for xmas. And I hope you know my family is going to adopt you!