Friday, April 23, 2010

Spring Skiing Glamour Shots

April is here! In Alaska, this means blissful, scenic skiing of all types if you're a skiing fanatic and just can't get enough... Kikkan gets after it on Alpine skis too. This woman was destined to win World Cup medals on skis, no matter the variety she would've chosen. Matt Johnson, my childhood ski buddy and lifelong friend, about to make a descent of the "Headwall" look smooth and easy.
It's true, I'm a free heeler.
Callie, eager to cross country ski up "the biggest hills" in the park so we could fly down them together. There was plenty of pink, hot chocolate, giggling and screaming "lets do that AGAIN!" and "FASTER, FASTER!" at this 4th Birthday ski date. Idyllic spring xc skiing at Kincaid...except for the moose that's just about to charge me through the bushes and around some trees. Traversing with Joe. River crossings with Dad.Railroad crossings with Mom.Powder shredding with Lars.
Straight lining and "racing" with Kikkan, Kian, and Finnigan. If there are skis by my side and snow on the ground, there is a smile on my face.
Find what you like to do, and do what you love!


Unknown said...

Great Pictures. Skiing looks great. Have fun.

skatie ronski said...

Thanks Brian. We missed having you up there this spring, but it was good to see that you've been getting in some new adventures in other parts of the country!

Thomsen D'Hont said...

Great update - looks exactly like my life right now. I am fairly new to life in the mountains, but I just took an avalanche course and am looking to get out in the backcountry over the coming years. Maybe I will hit up AK at some point - it looks unreal.