Thursday, October 1, 2009

"The Physical Therapy Place" as a New Sponsor!

I am proud to announce my newest sponsor, The Physical Therapy Place, LLC. This is an exceptional clinic that specializes in orthopedics and woman's health. Their support will help cover my travel expenses this winter-- begining with getting me to the Olympic qualifying races.
Joy Backstrum (L) and Katie Pirano (R) are the outstanding PT's at The Physical Therapy Place. They work with their patients to promote healing, restore normal function, and improve quality of life. Joy and Katie are also involved with education and promoting wellness within many aspects of the Anchorage community.
I was introduced to the benefits of PT for athletics last spring and I have felt it has been a contributing factor to my improved athletic performance. Joy identified specific weak muscles, which incidentally mirrored my weaknesses in skiing. After working on specific exercises to strengthen certain muscles (such as my lower abs and abductor thigh muscles) I have been able to sustain the desired adjustments in my skiing technique. I also had a gait analysis on the treadmill. After receiving numerous tips and reading the recommended "Chi Running" book, I've seen noticeable improvements in my running and skiing, largely due to improved bio-mechanics. Every day I think about the ways I can enhance my posture and correct my movements to keep my muscles balanced and body injury-free. I am thankful to be a recipient of services at The Physical Therapy Place as well as their financial support!


Daniel Bryan said...

Sounds fun. I never thought of it that way were physical therapy is much more enjoyable if done and scheduled as a group. chiropractor melbourne

4rx said...

Physical therapy and medication can help arthritis sufferers. Medications are prescribed to allow sufferers to participate pain-free in a physical therapy program.

buy xenical said...

For me, therapists should also work directly on the problem of obesity and even help with weight management. This problem requires a long term treatment program.