Sunday, August 30, 2009

Getting Faster and Liking the Trend

I realize that an increased level of dedication to a sport doesn't always correspond to getting better results. Results can oscillate, plateau, improve and even temporarily decline at times-- trust me, I know! It's most rewarding when results ascend after persistent hard work, which is something I truly appreciate after experiencing the contrary.

We have another "testing" week coming up where we will measure our fitness on several different types of courses and see how we are responding to training. I will get a chance to set new personal records this week but I will give you a few stats to share my progress so far.

Potter Rollerski Race
27:21 (Oct '07-- 10:20 in DP, 17:01 uphill)
25:21 (Aug '08-- 9:30 in DP, 15:51 uphill)*PR at the time
23:58 (Aug '09-- 9:28 in DP, 14:30 uphill)*new PR

Spencer Running/Bounding Intervals

5:04 (Jun '07)
4:55 (Jun '08)*PR at the time
4:45 (Jun '09)*PR at the time
4:36 (Aug '09)*new PR

I feel more ski-specifically fit and faster than ever before. I know that my competitors are also extra motivated this year as well however since it is an Olympic year. I can't control how fast others are going to race. All I can do is focus on what's in my control. And that means spending each day focused on a mission to better and enjoying this opportunity in the process!

Our opening races are less than 3 months away. I will be ready!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great thing to be able to document all your improvements like this. You are inspiring to me miss