Saturday, January 3, 2009

Frigorific AK

Miss Zimm's smiling face was on the front page of the sports section yesterday and she was interviewed in one of ADN's online videos. At the end of her interview you can hear me ask for her autograph and she wittily responded with, "Yeah! I'm autographing for being the coldest person alive!"

The US Nationals classic sprint was delayed and eventually canceled today. The temperature was -16F when I warmed up (..for the first time) and it climbed significantly by mid-day, but never reached the legal limit of -4F. We are hoping it gets warm enough to race tomorrow!
Ronsse just chillin' out. I've gotten ample use out of my new face mask recently-- the filters warm the air before I breath it in, which is helpful for keeping my lungs healthy when exerting myself in the frigid temps. Plus, anything worn with one of Shayla's SOS 'toques' is hot...right?
The view of the mudflats from my parent's house never gets old. The sunsets and sunrises each day have been especially stunning lately with the clear cold skies.


Team Perpetual said...

My only regret was that I never got to see the mask in person...

Anonymous said...

I saw the mask, but not the spectacular icicle dripping from it. Is this the Katie Ronsse that was quoted in an article about "Cold Cancels Ski Race"?

skatie ronski said...

Jus- I guess you'll just have to come back to AK to visit so you can check it out!

Ben- Yeah, I felt lucky to get one of AMH's sought after masks, but know I know I'm really *special* since I seem to be one of the few who accumulates frozen drool at the bottom.

Thanks for the "head's up" on the associated press article. I was surprised they included my statement since my phone lost service about 10 seconds into the convo. And then there's always what I wish I would have said to the press, but that never changes.

Thanks for all your hard work out there and for cheering us on. See you soon!